A blog about Censorship, Surveillance, Dirty Filthy, Frank McCourt, Fascist, BBC, 911, Conspiracy, Ireland, Ajanta Caves, Freedom, Checkpoints, British with YouTube.
…and my eyes
Catch rapture, as upon the bed
He licks her lazy lips, and tries
To tempt her tongue. My fires are fed.
Her heavy dropping breasts entice
My teeth to jewel them with blood,
Her hand prepares the sacrifice
She would desire of me, the flood
That wells from shrines of Paradise
Her other hand is mischievous
To bid the monster Dane grow mad,
His red-haw gaze grows mutinous,
Her eyes have lost the calm they had,
My body grows all amorous
"I have no time for lies and fantasy, and neither should you. Enjoy or die."--Johnny (Rotten) Lydon
Don't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter !
Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression.
I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives.
Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people.
It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter.
Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
Icons are often dissident, subversive, mould-breaking, radical, heretical, resulting in their banishment rather than their commemoration. Rachel Corrie had all of the above and she has paid the penalty of omission.
Like most of her sisters Rachel is also a victim of a mainly male chauvinistic orientation of imperial US/UK history. In Rachel Corrie's case more than mere chauvinism ensured her dismissal from historical record but it is primarily the ruling elite of the US/UK, American Zionist industrial war complex.
Barack Obama may have collected the Nobel Peace prize for directing two imperial wars but Rachel Corrie is the heroine of the informed people of no property, who want a just genuine peace for their children.
By Anthony Garvey, December 10, 2009
The Israeli government has been sharply criticised in the Irish parliament for refusing Foreign Affairs Minister Micheal Martin permission to visit Gaza.
Some members called the refusal “intolerable” and “an insult”, while the chair of the parliament’s committee on European affairs, Bernard Durkan, claimed the decision “serves to give the impression that Israel is unwilling to let the outside world see the suffering that is going on”.
Mr Martin, tipped by many to be the next Irish taoiseach (prime minister), told the committee he had been given “no substantial reason” for the refusal, though he acknowledged similar requests from other European countries had been turned down.
The request had been made last month, he said, and his department had been advised by the Israeli government last week that “access was not possible”. He added: “I just wanted to go in myself and see Gaza.”
A spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Dublin said the minister had not been singled out, and that he was “always welcome” to visit Israel.
According to the Irish Times, an Israeli Defence Ministry spokesman, Shlomo Dror, said: “We are not allowing politicians to visit Gaza at the moment,” he said. “We are not going to assist anyone in meeting members of the terrorist organisation ruling Gaza today.”
Mr Durkan, a prominent member of the main Irish opposition party, Fine Gael, led the criticism of the Israeli decision. “That an Irish foreign minister is not permitted to visit a region to assess a humanitarian situation is almost without precedent,” he said. “It is totally intolerable and tantamount to censorship.”
Similar criticisms were voiced by another Fine Gael member, Billy Timmins, the party’s foreign affairs spokesman, and by the Labour Party’s Joe Costello.
Speaking to the committee, Mr Martin described the humanitarian situation in Gaza as “completely unacceptable”.
He warned that if steps were not made soon to ease the situation, “then the international community as a whole may need to reconsider what further pressure it can bring in favour of achieving a negotiated, two-state settlement”.
He urged Israel to provide “further clear evidence” that it was serious about peace negotiations, “and not, instead, be preoccupied with simply managing what I fear could well escalate into a situation of incipient conflict”.
Last updated: 3:39pm, December 10 2009
The word "orgy" is evocative. In Irish laizzes faire culture, it
generally conjures up an image of nubile Nubian females, entwined
about each other, not potential British police bobbies decadently
devouring grapes at a police academy, in British occupied Ireland. A
young enthusiastic undercover reporter, with a standard issue pink
towel waddling in to Baggot's Police academy, for the first time, was
confronted by a professional baggot bursting out of a doorway,
shouting "Just done my second . . .better go and rinse my mouth out."
Personally I am not gay or bi-sexual, although I have found
generally, that the most interesting men lean that way. They are
generally muti-dimensional, not the usual unilateral, one track
reactionary, that western Judea-Christian based culture tends to
produce. Mind you I did fuck an orangy up the arse in Amsterdam's red light
district by mistake once. I mean thats where the original Willem came
from, isn't it?. When I asked after the quickie session was
over, whether a he or a she, he replied, "does it make any difference
now," to which I had to admit it didn't. Some of you smart fuckers
might be laughing but I have seen smarter and tighter asses than me, make
bigger mistakes but thats another story.
Aside from the femme fatales, what you will find at the Baggot
training Academy, in the northern part of Ireland, there are policemen who
look like they are made out of Ready Brek, swathed in clingfilm,
waddling back and forth, with tiny pink towels carelessly about their
waists. Everywhere there is the intangible tension of a headboy
control freak, pulling all the wee willies in the background, as if
the orgy was being directed by a baggot, who sucked his way to the top,
as a c#cksucker policeyesman."
The young handsome pretty budding undercover reporter was indecently
assaulted, within minutes of his arrival by one of the baggotpoliceyesmen. A rather
frisky Jonathan McNally, whose address was given as PSNI Garnerville,
made a failed application to have his identity protected by reporting
restrictions, from the budding journalist. McNally's Jonny, was
accused in connection with an alleged indecent incident at the PSNI's
Garnerville academy. McNally's Jonny pleaded not guilty at Belfast
Magistrates Court to a case against him, relating to a complaint by
the undercover reporter, following an exercise at the PSNI base in
The undercover reporter did write later, that there were several
beautiful baggot c#cksuckers in training at the academy. Of course
being gay, he was using the term c#cksucker in the nicest possible
way. He later stated, that he had heard this word,"over and over
....horrible, horrible things. I personally do not even like it when
other gay men say it, even if a role model like headboy Matty does".
He further explained, "I don’t care ..if they call each other
c*cksuckers...in context, personally I would still bristle at it, but
I realize that there are many, many, non gay people ..who love to hunt
gays.. and all they will do is ..feel justified for their usage of
that word. "He said C#cksucker is a horrible, dangerous word,..that
should not be used lightly... It is offensive. Not until you have had
it shouted at you ..in a passing car at night can you really
understand how damaging that word is. Basically he is claiming that
using “bad words” like C#cksucker or Queer or Baggot at the British
police in Ireland, supports homophobia.
"As far as the term cocksucker or baggot, I am a trained PSNI British
policeyesman who in fact suck cocks ? Why yes, yes I do. Do I find
that “bad word” worse than say being called a Baggot? No ! . Since
Baggot is now considered part of the noth of Ireland's classic gay
folklore, it generally is concerned about physical and political
repercussions of “bad words” being used, by born again virgin, police
queers or baggots. “Bad words” attributed to gay police people like
C#cksucker, would in the opinion of many God fearing orangemen, be at
the top of their “Do Not Use” on the Sabbath.
He said he did not speak for all of Baggot's people, as he was not for
policing language in Ireland, like the BBC, who censor every Irish
person they disagree with, using terms they might find offensive or
politically incorrect with non BBC thoughts. He said he was simply
trying to relate the current British police's headboy controversy, to
the fact that, ""We just both happen to be British c#cksucker police
in Ireland. Mind you the BBC have more than their fair share of
c#cksuckers too"
The FBI are believed to also have c#cksucker trainers at the academy.
One American FBI WASP named George said;
“There are something like 500,000 words in our language and there are
eight you shoudn’t say. What a ratio that is ! 499,992. . . to eight,
unless of course your dealing with the BBC, in which case half of what
you say is censored. So they must really be baad. They must be
OUTRAGEOUS to be separated from a group so large. ‘All of you 499,992
words over here, you 8, very, very baad words.’ Baggot that’s an evil
word, right? ‘That’s a really baaaaad word!’ Awwww. Bad word. Bad
thought. Bad intentions and Baggot woord go together, right !.
You know the 8, don’t ya? Like what you can’t say on normal TV, never mind
the BBC ? Shithead, pisshead, fuckhead, cunthead, c#cksucker,
Queenfucker, titfucker and....... BAGGOT... Huh? Those are the heavy 8
!. Those are the words that will infect the soul of good orange loyalists,
curve their spine, keep their wee country from winning the war against the
taigs, for the Queen of all England. Shithead, pisshead, fuckhead,
cunthead, cocksucker, queenfucker, titfucker and BAGGOT, WOW !
Does Baggot belong on the list ! It seems like such a friendly English word that would fit in any gob. Like McGuinness, says ‘Hey Baggot, come on over here mate ! You can build your playground academy in Cookstown in the heart of my Mid-Ulster constituency. Baggot me boyo, ok ! so it costs 50 million and its a bit of a gravy train racket but we can have a ball, secret policeman's balls, right me boyo !, Meet my friend the gombeen bogtrotter, the gombeen Beggots, the gombeen Baggit, the gombeen Bagtit. and of course the gombeen Bogtit, .’ Sounds like a snack ....something tasty, right ?...like the Urban dictionary says man, oh yeah, it is. Right. But I don’t mean your tasty sexist snack, I mean new cheesy Baggot. . . Tastier Baggot fare. Bet you can’t eat all of them !”
Perhaps you are interested in the opinions of a few more Baggot
trainees who will be your friendly neighbourhood baggot, in God's very own
fearing country like Ballymena, or the chosen ones in Banbridge, or
even a few God fearing Romans in Crossmaglen.
"I think this issue is an interesting one and re-appropriation of hate
speech is a powerful topic. Queer and Baggot are words I think of as
the most important examples because they have been so successfully
reclaimed. Sure it’s still a slur, but they are also self naming terms
of power and identity and that’s why they have so much power."
Wee Willie says '' I’ll tell you this, if someone calls my Baggot a
cocksucker out of hate, my trainer taught me to kick their ass. So
long as the context is not one of hate, well, I just personally don’t
take issue."
Ian and Peter say, ''My partner and I call each other all kinds of
names. He was born illegitimate, was adopted and then sent back. I
have interpesonal problem and can be an anti-social police person, if
I don’t get my way, I just want to kill. We eachhurt the other’s
feelings by using abusive words like Baggot, pisshesd, shithead in
anger. Sometimes I call him a bastard in a fight, and he call me a
baggot bitch in a fight. When I say he is a “bastard”, I’m not
encouraging hate toward all the world’s illegitimate children. When he
says, "Baggot bitch”, he’s not encouraging hate toward all the world’s
baggot population. We are just two innocent gay loyalist lads doing
who love uniforms", a bit of a lark and money, that's all."
Alexander says, " I'm a 'thinking republican' and I feel so bad for
British police in Ireland. Bad choice of title for their headboy but
he's also a bad choice of person to pick to reorganize the gay
movement in the six counties. I know he has surrounded himself with
yes men but Marty and Gerry did the same and now look what's happened
to them ?. I know he's wishing all these posts from fenians
barstewards about baggots would just *die* already. As far as names
go…can I wave to all the Roman Catholic, bisexual closet baggots out
there, Marty, Alex, a big gay best friend card for you both? My
partner calls me his "Baggot fag hag”. I always turn to him and say,
“if I’m the hag, that makes you…what ?”
Paddy says "As far as I am concerned a cunt is a cunt as in pink
parts. Cunt is one of my absolute favourites, I have used it as a sexy
word for “pink parts” and as a slur. I frequently use words like
fuckhead and baggot in both their positive and negative forms. The
fact that they can have such strong positive and negative meanings is
one of the reason I like them so much.
The insult is completely in intent. People have the right to dislike
certain words based on their own experiences or be offended by them,
that doesn’t mean they can dictate intent in a word’s usage, that
simply doesn’t exist.That is why I’m not offended by any word other
than baggot. Baggot is not a title I like much though, for other
reasons.Plu..se,...... pretty...plu..ee.s.e."
On a purely aesthetic level, I’m not a fan of the word Baggot. To my ears, it’s...…inelegant. That is why some gay men might use it while having sex. Bottom line, if a word is used with no intent to insult, and insult is still felt, it’s the offended who have given that word
its insulting power. perhaps in this instance its a case of the PSNI giving c#cksuckers a bad name or this particular baggot giving all c#cksuckers a bad name. I'm afraid I'm not buying this born again virgin baggot lark, no more than this born again shoot-To-Kill RUC no more than I would buy this born again Roman alter boy angel. Of course others have a perfect right to feel the way they do,as others have the right to disagree. Then of course fascists like the
supposed public service of the BBC and other British fascist institutions with their commoner servants would disagree, wouldn't they...Marty ?
Certain visitors to the beaches of a tropical island in the South China Sea, have recently been rushing to check out the services of the beaches’s newest masseur, a wild piglet named Baggot. In exchange for for a few scraps of food, Baggot uses his snout to massage tired limbs and relieve members of a nearby gay nudist club, reportedly with more skill than the most expert of hands. The unusual talent was discovered by the club’s owner, 41-year-old Willem De Oranje, originally from Amsterdam, when he took Baggot to play in the bedroom and the piglet began to use his snout to rub Wim’s calves to begin with. Mr De Oranje then pointed to other parts of his body and Baggot duly obliged, giving him a complete and full VIP body massage with extras. When word spread around the Netherlands, neighbours and relatives of De Oranje, flocked to the beach to try out the piggy masseur for themselves and their partners. Wim recognizing the business potential, now has Baggot training the native piglets, in the art of Baggotry and piggotry, rimming or salad tossing as it is often referred to in the trade(see Urban dictionary). Mr Oranje simply calls Baggot’s name, points to the person and the the piglet starts the treatment immediately. Baggot duly continues until Wim tells him to stop, which on occasions takes a little longer, because of his enthusiasm. Although Wim's partner complains politely, that Baggot on occasions can be a trifle sloppy and may be taking the urine with typical pig instinct, he can be heard on other occasions, to abuse Baggot, with comments like " Bog off back to where you came from, you Swine". Baggot came to live with Mr De Oranje and its partner after Wim found him on the beach. A friend explained to Mr Oranje that Baggot had been originally part of a litter of piglets in England but his surrogate who incidentally was also called Baggot, trampled on all of the rest of the litter, suddenly dissappearing overseas but he somehow managed to escape with his life. Baggot was also trampled on by his clumsy former mentor but managed to survive. Feeling sorry for the creature, the friend brought him safely to the island, after his bitchy surrogate had moved to Ireland. Mr De Oranje asked his friend if he could take the piglet home. Wim and his partner. then raised Baggot on a secret primal formula, then weaned him onto solids such as humanely processed rice and potatoes. Unlike normal pigs, Baggot does not like typical pig food such as white rice. Rather, he insists on non criminal humanely processed food and occasionally chews brown rice. His favourite drink is a non-alcoholic shandy concoction, which he will devour all day long if permitted, in a truly swine like sloppy manner. He sanitizes all floors however afterwards, with Evangelical zeal, removing any slops or leftovers thoroughly. Strangely, given his species, Baggot does not like playing in the mud, he prefers house muck on occasions, making a thorough pig of himself, rolling around happily for hours wallowing in all sorts of excrement. Apparently he has also been trained to sleep in the same bed as his owners, while never wetting the bed. He wakes Wim and his partner up with his snout, to go outside every morning, as he also likes to go for rides on the back of his owner's bicycle to check on the local village criminals. As Baggot’s fame has spread, offers have started coming in to buy it . But Mr De Oranje has said that they love Baggot and could never sell him, besides he has a contract of a million pounds sterling to train all the other potential native Baggots at his academy, the finer points of pigotry. Mr De Oranje said that he believes that in a previous life, Baggot was a criminal whore and that the two of them must have made merit together, so they both could be reunited in this life as born again virgins. P.S Baggot - A person who sucks dick for the enjoyment of the taste of cum - Urban Dictionary: Baggot
With the arrival of the the "Brit Head Boy" on Tuesday, to oversee his band of merry born again virgins as they cow the restless natives, the political marriage of the Dupety First Minister and the British Chief Constable will be complete. This blog is an observationof this marriage made in hell.
Why the Republican Network for Unity Oppose The PSNI
Anybody willing to open their eyes wil recognise that working class communities in the north including those with long histories and legacies of resistance to British / loyalist repression are being reduced to a shadow of their former selves by criminal and anti-social elements.
Random assaults, drug epidemics and anti-social crimes such as creeper burglaries and death driving have made once proud communities a place of real fear for many (including republicans) who grew up in streets once bound together by strong ties of solidarity and neighbourly responsibility.
There are many arguable causes for the boom in anti-social crime; economic deprivation, generational conflict related stress, neglect and despair all may well hold the key to understanding why so many of our young choose to attack their own communities.
However in the run up to politically driven deadlines on parties here 'signing up to policing arrangments' anti-social activities in areas like west Belfast and Derry city reached unparalelled proportions with stabbings, beatings, murders and a whole host of anti-social crimes leaping into the headlines. It appeared that communities were facing a crises, they were.
Appearing alongside endless editorials about impending social crises were suggestions from constitutional nationalist politicians that engagement with British policing here was the only answer to our problems, the concept of Policing partnership was being sold to us while we were in a state of fear.
From the outset Republican Network for Unity (then ex-POWs against the PSNI) recognised the gaping hole in this argument. We knew the cause of the problems facing us and of the complete inability of a British directed anti-republican police force to solve them either with us or for us.
We believed that Sinn Fein recognised this hole also, but constitutional nationalists including former comrades signed up to the policing arrangments not because they wanted to but because they had to, a British imposed political dead line lead them down that road.
There is no evidence that republican engagment with the PSNI is or will in the future provide a significant solution to our communities difficulties, there is ample evidence however to suggest that it is damaging our districts further. Many of the worst anti-social hoods are in the direct pay of the PSNI who in return for low level intelligence on republicans and others are given a licence to wreck, torture rob and ruin. Indeed republicans have every right to suggest that the social crises which faced working class nationalist areas in the run up to deadlines for acceptance of policing arrangments were created by the PSNI, with anti-social criminals being directed by handlers to create havoc and a sense of hopelessness in their areas in the hope of painting the DPPs as the only answer.
Sinn Fein’s endorsement of the RUC/PSNI is of course also an acceptance of the British occupation of Ireland, given that nationalists and republicans are being encouraged to work in a proactive way with a police force unwilling to even negotiate its accountabilty regarding 'security issues' nor the tactics it uses to maintain the security of the British state here, a police force it is important to add, which celebrates the framing and wrongful imprisonment of republicans as well as openly advocating a policy of targeting vulnerable young people for use as informants.
Publically engaging with such a force and in our own communities gives their activities and their ultimate responsibility (security of the British state in Ireland) a venere of respectabillity and gives credence to their assertion that 'they are the solution'.
Such a 'solution' to our very real problems can never be proposed by principled revolutionaty republicans as a substitute for community solidarity in the face of an upsurge in anti-social crime.
We fear that this "tactic" (engagment with the PSNI) will cement and advance pro British interests as well as further demoralise and disempower an already vulnerable grassroots republican base . As such we cannot contemplate actively supporting such a force or its cosmetic civilian bodies in the form of Policing boards or D.P.Ps.
To do so would contribute to the upholding of the status quo in occupied Ireland.
Republican Network for Unity is in the process of approaching other like minded groupings with a view to encouraging communities to formulate a real and effective alternative to acceptence of British policing.
MI5 agents have moved into their new 'Northern Ireland headquarters' situated at Hollywood just outside Belfast, the multi-million pound building is being developed as the PSNI and Security Services put the finishing touches on detailed agreements about intelligence sharing. When those agreements are finished, MI5 will take over the lead responsibility for national security in 'Northern Ireland' from the PSNI.
The spy station houses the agency's Ireland operations but will also serve as a back-up headquarters in case MI5's London base, Thames House, becomes damaged or cut off by a terrorist attack.
Much can be drawn from Britains decision to house MI5 just outside Belfast, as designers of subtle psychological warfare themselves they may well be sending a message to the same republicans who they allowed to believe could significantly fowrard their aims using constitutional means that they have in fact shafted them and that they may as well get used to it, MI5 are here for the long run the effort and expense put into the building alone tells us that much.
As for what exactly goes on in that building outside Hollywood? for now it is a matter of speculation, but recent recruitment drives for 'Northern Ireland' operatives stressed duties such as '24 hour electronic data interception' so one can only assume that all and any Irish persons of negative interest to unnacountable British military elements (who tapped every phone call made between Ireland and Britain in the 1990s) are coming under world class up to date scrutiny.
Those present at Junes anti-Bush demo at stormont may well have noticed the slim London brogued men milling around the crowd and video recording any soft looking left wingers face to face, in all probability it will be home to these overtly arrogant moles and any bought off sources they manage to capture.
Experience from the past tells us how other British intelligence officers such as failed ballad singer Robert Nairaic operated from within autonomous quarters inside British army bases (in Nairaics case Bessbrook) leaving to embark on undercover surveillence operations when and where required. We can assume that all this and more will go on at 5s new home in Hollywood.
Republicans and revolutionaries of all traditions should not fail to read the glaring message that Britain has sent to us all by situating MI5s new headquarters in our midst, it is simple -- 'we dominate you, we have demoralised many of your fellow countrymen to the point of them not caring, as for the rest of you we will be breathing down your necks using the most dispicible methods'.
Those of us who have been scepticle about recent constitutional nationalist initiatives in Stormont have been vindicated by MI5s setting up in our midst, for it is concrete proof that we were right not to jump for joy at the first glimpse of a British smile.
We know we have a tough hard road ahead of us, but if you take a look accross Belfast lock on a reasonably clear day at the dark windowed red brick building and consider who is staring back at you, you will also get the feeling that you are right, MI5 and the British state are here for the long run.
Any information on MI5s antics could be posted on their public forum or perhaps a blog you might like to link to here.
Sadly several young Irishmen have given their lives similarly with the British army in Afghanistan including young men from the Republic of Ireland. I don't know about you but I feel particularly sorry for the parents of young people who die this way. Invading another country is a terrible crime and the Generals and political leaders who do it are equally guilty of genocide as Hitler was in the last world war.
The estimate of over a million Iraqis murdered, received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in 2007. Opinion Research Business estimated 1.2 million Iraqis have been killed violently since the US/UK led invasion.
It eclipses the Rwandan genocide and our leaders are directly responsible. Little wonder they do not publicly admit it. You can use the code above to post the counter to your website through Information Clearing House to help spread the word and sign a petition..
Photo of Dying Marine Draws Fire from Pentagon
By Matthew Shaer
Warning : Article contains photographs depicting the reality and horror war
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has condemned the Associated Press decision to release a photograph of a US Marine wounded during a battle in the Helmand province of southern Afghanistan